How to adopt NIST CSF 2.0

CSF 2.0 Functions. Source: NIST

NIST released a new version of the Cybersecurity Framework with a few key changes:

  • It now can be applied beyond critical infrastructure, making it more versatile and straightforward to adopt.
  • It introduces a new core “Govern” function that includes categories from other sections, with increased focus on supply chain risk management and accountability.
  • It highlights synergies with the NIST Privacy Framework.

I often use this framework to develop and deliver information security strategy. Although, other methodologies exist, I find its layout and functions facilitate effective communication with various stakeholder groups, including the Board.

Similar to navigating the ISO 27001.2022 transition, cyber security leaders should develop a roadmap to to reach the target state based on current state assessment. NIST CSF 2.0 resources are in the public domain and can guide the implementation.

CSF 2.0 Core Function. Source: NIST

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